D-LAB NUTRICOSMETICSCapillary Mass Program - 1 month
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Masse-Capillaire is a program that targets hair loss linked to neuro-hormonal imbalance, a complex capillary problem that needs to be treated from the inside, by providing targeted active ingredients capable of restoring imbalances and densifying hair mass.
BENEFITS- Keratin, pure, natural and perfectly assimilated, improves the structure of hair and nails. Magnesium helps combat fatigue and stress, and contributes to a normal energy metabolism. Myo-inositol regulates hormonal reactions and the nervous system. Horse chestnut titrated in aescin helps improve blood circulation in the micro-vessels of the scalp. It is used to promote good blood circulation in the micro-vessels.
CONTENTS- Contains Balance Activator, Keratin Absolute and Microcirculation Detox.
COMPOSITION- Keratin, Magnesium, Myo-inositol, Horse chestnut titrated in aescin 64.76% of ingredients of natural origin
- Gluten-free
DIRECTIONS FOR USE- Not recommended for children under 18, Not recommended for breastfeeding women, Not recommended for pregnant women
- 2 capsules a day in the morning, except for Keratin Absolute: 1 capsule. Balance Activator can be taken in the evening for better sleep. This treatment needs to be taken 3 months in a row to trigger cellular memory and achieve visible, long-lasting results on the hair fiber. This treatment can be taken continuously throughout the year.
INGREDIENTS- Activateur d’Équilibre : L-Tryptophane 200 mg • Gélule végétale (agent d’enrobage : hydroxypropylméthylcellulose, gélifiant : gomme gellane) • NAC - N-AcétylCystéine 100 mg • Oxyde de magnésium marin dont magnésium 60,5 mg 16% AR* • Vitamine C (acide ascorbique) 80 mg 100% AR* • Myo-inositol 50 mg • Extrait de stigmate de safran - Crocus sativus 30 mg titré en safranal 0,12 mg • Trans-resvératrol 20 mg • CavaQ10® (gamma-cyclodextrine ; coenzyme Q10) 20 mg • Vitamine B3 (nicotinamide) 16 mg 100% AR* • Farine de banane verte • Vitamine B2 (riboflavine) 1,4 mg 100% AR* • Vitamine B6 (pyridoxine) 1,4 mg 100% AR* • Levure enrichie en sélénium - Saccharomyces cerevisiae dont sélénium 45 µg 81% AR* • Extrait de lichen - Cladonia rangiferina dont vitamine D3 (cholécalciférol) 5 µg 100% AR*. Absolu de Kératine : Cynatine® HNS1 : hydrolysat de kératine (sulfites) 500 mg • Anti-agglomérants : gomme d'acacia, acides gras • Agents d'enrobage : hydroxypropylméthylcellulose, cellulose microcristalline, acides gras. Détox Microcirculation : Extrait de parties aériennes d'alchémille - Alchemilla vulgaris 190 mg (EPS** 760 mg) • Extrait de graine de marron d'Inde - Aesculus hippocastanum 160 mg (EPS** 640 mg) titré en aescine 24 mg • Gélule végétale (agent d’enrobage : hydroxypropylméthylcellulose, gélifiant : gomme gellane) • Extrait de graine de chardon-Marie - Silybum marianum 54 mg (EPS** 1,8 g) titré en silymarine 43,2 mg • Extrait de feuille de vigne rouge - Vitis vinifera 50 mg (EPS** 150 mg) titré en polyphénols 5 mg • Gluconate de fer dont fer 5 mg 36% AR* • Chlorelle - Chlorella vulgaris (sulfites) 40 mg. * Apports de Référence, ** Équivalent Plantes Sèches
Find out more- Keep out of reach of children, Dietary supplements cannot be returned or exchanged.
- Made in France
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